The Thirteenth China Tungsten industry Conference in 2023
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According to Chris Young, vice president of sales and marketing, it costs around $35 per tonne to ship Noranda’s bauxite in a Panamax. The company then sends it to Trinidad, where it is discharged and loaded into Capesize vessels for onwards shipment. This already saves the company around $3-4 per tonne, Young told delegates at the Metal Bulletin conference taking place this week...
According to Chris Young, vice president of sales and marketing, it costs around $35 per tonne to ship Noranda’s bauxite in a Panamax. The company then sends it to Trinidad, where it is discharged and loaded into Capesize vessels for onwards shipment. This already saves the company around $3-4 per tonne, Young told delegates at the Metal Bulletin conference taking place this week...
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